Ecology and Conservation

​Yolanda Domínguez Castellanos
She studied Biology at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, FES Iztacala in 1997, she obtained the Medal of Merit Gabino Barreda. She was a UNAM Foundation scholarship holder for a period of three years (1996-1997). She studied the Master of Biological Sciences at the Institute of Ecology, at the same university. She received the grants from CONACyT, UNAM, Fundación Telmex and Idea Wild as financial support for her master's project. She is author and co-author of scientific and divulgation articles, she have participated in the elaboration of books such as Wild mammals of Mexico, Diversity and conservation of Neotropical mammals, Freshwater fish of Mexico in danger of extinction, and Reptiles and amphibians of Mexico in danger of extinction. Since 2002 she collaborate as editorial assistant of the “Revista Mexicana de Mastozoología, nueva época” of which Dr. Gerardo Ceballos is the general editor.
Contact: yodoca@ecologia.unam.mx