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Ecología y Conservación de Fauna Silvestre

Artículos en Inglés
Dr. Gerardo Ceballos
Valenzuela, D. y G. Ceballos, A. García. 2000. Mange epizootic in white-nosed coatis in western Mexico. Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 36:56-63.
Raven, P. H., G., Ceballos, P. R., Ehrlich, y T.E. Lovejoy. 2020. RE: Quantitative targets for biodiversity preservation. Science.
Bradshaw, C.J., P.R. Ehrlich, A. Beattie, G. Ceballos, E. Crist, J. Diamond, R. Dirzo, A.H. Ehrlich, J. Harte, M.E. Harte, G. Pyke, P.H. Raven, W.J. Ripple, F. Saltré, C. Turnbull, M. Wackernagel y D.T. Blumstein. 2021. Underestimating the challenges of avoiding a ghastly future. Frontiers in Conservation Science, 1:1-10
Ceballos, G., J.A. de la Torre, H. Zarza, et al. 2021. Jaguar distribution, biological corridors and protected areas in Mexico: from science to public policies. Landscape Ecology,
Lopez-Pérez, A.M., O. Lopez-Fernández, L. Backus, S. Somerville, H. Zarza, I. Cassaigne, G. Ceballos., et al. 2022. Spatial distribution patterns of tick community structure in sympatric jaguars (Panthera onca) and pumas (Puma concolor) from three ecoregions in Mexico. Medical and Veterinary Entomology, 1–10.
Dirzo, R., G. Ceballos y P. Ehrlich. 2022. Circling the drain: the extinction crisis and the future of humanity. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 377: 20210378
Ceballos, G., González, C.C., Urios, D. Medellín, H.Z. Villanueva, S. Morollón y V.H. Luja. 2022. Spatial ecology of jaguars in Mexico: implications for conservation.Research Square,1:1-24.
García, A.,J.F. González-Maya y G. Ceballos. 2022. Biogeography of terrestrial vertebrates and its conservation implications in a region western Mexico. Plos One, 17: 1-26.
Paez, S.,R. Kraus, B. Sharipo, M. Gilbert, E. Jarvis y Vertebrate Genomes Project Conservation Group. 2022. Reference genomes for conservation. Science, 377: 364-366.
García, A., J.F. González-Maya y G. Ceballos. 2022. Biogeography of terrestrial vertebrates and its conservation implications in a transitional region in western Mexico. Plos One, 17: 1-26.
Nolasco A.L., C. Siebe, G. Ceballos y R. List. 2022. Bison wallows effect on soil properties, vegetation composition and structure in a recently reintroduced area. Therya, 13: 283-295.
Torres-Romero, E. J., G. Ceballos, F. Botello, J.I. González, A.J. Giordano & J.V. López-Bao. 2023. Jaguar conservation in the American continent: the role of protected landscape and human-impacted biomes: Conservación del jaguar en el continente americano: papel de las áreas protegidas y biomas con intervención humana. Revista de Biología Tropical, 71: 1-13.
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